Ok, so I just want to report on how it went with my juice feast. I did this to clean out my body, get clarity, finish writing a book and online program, and get ready to have babies most of all. It went really well. I felt pretty good. A week before I started this I had been drinking a little bit of coffee and I don’t usually do that at all, so I had a headache coming off of that. I had extreme clarity in the beginning and then I had a procedure done where I took some painkillers. It made me feel nausea so I ate some sprouted bread and stopped the feast which I was hoping to possibly do for 21 days. One of the things I was hoping to completely correct while on this feast was swollen glands under my jaw. Because it was difficult for me to drink completely veggie juice I would always add some sort of fruit. Green apples have always been ok for me but when I added pineapple juice and orange juice even though I used oranges from our tree and they are fairly sour, I think it was too much sugar for me and the glands got swollen a little too much for me and I was starting to really want to be off of the feast because one of the problems I work diligently to not have regularly came back and this was supposed to be healthy and good for me.

This makes me think about what is going on in the raw, vegan world where several people like Susan Shwenk, Alex Jaimeson, and even though Matt Monarch is still raw and vegan says that it may not be the healthiest thing long term as far as aging goes. I have never been completely vegan, but I have gone long periods of time eating no meat at all, several months. I don’t eat much of it now. I may eat chicken liver once a week and I actually haven’t even done that for a least a month now with all my juicing and a fast we did with our church for 21 days before my juice feast. I had wanted to go vegan for a long and struggled to get there because I cannot eat a lot of fruit because of severe candida and immune system food allergy problems. Grains have been an issue for a long time too also because of the candida and immune system issues. The most difficult thing I experience with that is swollen glands under my jaw that have become extremely painful. I don’t let them get that way now but eating certain foods that body recognizes as sugar will trigger that to get worse. I have to be very balanced in what and how much I eat.

I like doing a 10 day juice feast seems like the perfect amount of time for me. I will definitely do this again but most likely for 3,5, or 10 day intervals so my body doesn’t get too much sugar.

Joan Taffinder
Empowering you to Revolutionize Your Health

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