Before I explain one of the studies about candida and IBD I want to give you a little background on candida or yeast or another name is fungus. I want to tell you what it is, why its so bad, and what makes it overgrow.

According to Ann Boroch author of The Candida Cure, “Candida Albicans is a harmless yeast, a type of fungus, that lives naturally in everyone’s body…in a healthy body, it lives symbiotically in a balanced environment in the gastrointestinal tract, on the mucous membranes, and on the skin.” Pg. 4 The problem is that what is supposed to be harmless can overgrow and turn into a pathogen.

There are two forms of candida, yeast which is like a seed form and mycelial form which is a seed that has grown tentacles. The yeast is small in the form of seeds while the chronic form has grown tentacles that dig themselves deep into the gut of whatever part of the body they reside. Some people call it a seven-headed dragon because it becomes impossible to kill. Candida facts, What is candida?, retrieved from, August 14, 2014.

When the candida grow into its mycelial form it burrows into the intestinal lining with its roots called rhizoids creating leaky gut. Physician Heal Thyself, Jordan Rubin, pg. 186 This allows not only the fungus and its byproducts called mycotoxins to seep through but also undigested food, bacteria, and other pathogens. If your immune system is compromised candida can have a field day. we are bombarded with many different pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and other things in our daily life that can make us sick; according to an article in Science magazine, “Candida albicans is the most common human systemic pathogen, causing both mucosal and systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised people.” The Candida Cure, Ann Boroch, pg. 5. This is probably the reason Jessica’s doctor told us, “We need to kill the yeast.” Jessica’s levels were extremely high.

Candida put out at least 79 toxic by-products.10 These are neurotoxins that destroy and decompose tissues and organs. You can see why they would greatly contribute to leaky gut. These toxins disrupt RNA and DNA synthesis, damage and destroy neurons, are carcinogenic, and cause ataxia (lack of coordination) and even convulsions. The Candida Cure, Ann Boroch, pg. 8

One of the root causes of candida can be a damaged liver. I had concerns about Jessica’s ability to detox when she was young because my genetic test showed I was not a good detoxer of coffee. Jordan Rubin in his book Physician Heal Thyself says, “When the liver is even slightly damaged by a toxic chemical, immune function is severely compromised. Liver injury is also linked to candida overgrowth, as evident in studies of mice demonstrating that when the liver is even slightly damaged, candida runs rampant through the body.” Physician Heal Thyself, Jordan Rubin, pg. 189

The major causes of candida albicans overgrowth are antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, heavy metals, alcohol overuse, recreational drugs, and stress…yeast also thrives in the presence of refined sugar, refined carbs, dairy products, alcohol, processed foods, and hormones secreted as a result of high stress levels. Pg. 5 Candida Cure by Ann Boroch

If you have candida at all it means that your immune system has been weakened and is tolerating excess candida. It is interesting to me the wording that Dr. Orion Truss in his book The Missing Diagnosis, uses to describe the immune system and candida, “The very existence of Candida albicans in the tissues on a chronic basis reveals an immune system at least partially ‘paralyzed’ and ‘unresponsive’ to its antigens—an immune system that is ‘tolerating’ the continued presence in the tissues of this ‘foreign’ invader.” The missing diagnosis by C. Orian Truss, M.D., pg. 25 26

A statement from a research study entitled Inflammation and gastrointestinal Candida colonization says, “Recent studies, however, show that high level Candida colonization is associated with several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.” The summary basically says that Candida can delay healing inflammation and inflammation promotes candida colonization. It’s a vicious cycle. “Both inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal Candida colonization are associated with elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17.”

We also know from studies and works by Dr. Sarah Ballytine that a leaky gut precedes autoimmune disease. This gets complicated and I can see why doctors disagree as to what is the true cause of my daughter Jessica gets sick so often and easily. If we kill the yeast maybe the inflammation will go down and we can see if this really is true IBD. But if the inflammation doesn’t go down it could keep the excess yeast alive contributing to leaky gut and then IBD an autoimmune disease. It’s really so hard to tell. We will keep treating Jessica for yeast, fungus, or candida whatever you want to call it until we find out more information.

IBD and IBS have similar symptoms but are very different in how they affect the body. IBS is very common affecting about 10-15% of adults in the United States. The Crohn’s and Colitis foundation has a booklet that describes these two issues. They say that IBS, “…does not cause inflammation, permanent damage to the GI tract or an increased risk of colorectal cancer. They say that IBS symptoms could include, “abdominal pain and cramping, bloating, gas, mucus in stool, diarrhea and/or constipation.”

“Inflammatory bowel diseases are a group of inflammatory conditions in which the body’s own immune system attacks part of the digestive system.” According to the Crohn’s and Colitis foundation the exact cause of IBD remains unknown but researchers believe that there are four factors that lead to IBD including a genetic component, an environmental trigger, imbalance of bacteria and inappropriate reaction of the immune system. Pg. 3
A study entitled Diet and Inflammatory Bowel Disease published in Gastroenterology and Hepatology says the IBD has an unknown cause too but, “Multiple factors play a role in pathogenesis of IBD. These many include diet, environmental factors, immunologic factors, infectious agents, genetic susceptibility, and the microbiome.”

The symptoms for IBD can include frequent and/or urgent bowel movements, diarrhea, bloody stool, abdominal pain and cramping, fatigue, lack of appetite, weight loss, joint, skin or eye problems.

Inflammatory bowel disease affects an estimated 1.3% of US adults (3 million) reported being diagnosed with IBD (either Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis).1 This was a large increase from 1999 (0.9% or 2 million adults).2

Typically IBD is diagnosed after the age of 15. It can be diagnosed in younger children although it is rare. Crohn’s and Colitis foundation say, “When IBD is diagnosed in childhood it may be more extensive and follow a more severe course than when it is diagnosed in adulthood. Some children with IBD experience delayed puberty and some fail to grow at a normal rate. In approximately one-third of children with Crohn’s disease and one-tenth of children with ulcerative colitis, their final adult height is less than expected because of their IBD.”

The three diets I have recently researched for Jessica and helping with IBD are anti-candida diet, SCD diet, and autoimmune paleo diet. It has taken me a long time to write this blog – today is October 25, 2018 and I had wanted to write this over the summer—better late than never. It was just so overwhelming all the details of these diets and I really wanted to have synthesized the diets very well. I will do my best to present each diet and what is allowed and not allowed on each.

I’ll start with the anti-candida diet. I learned about this first from the author Ann Boroch who wrote The Candida Cure which is where I learned the most about this diet. I followed this diet for myself when I started my own healing journey in 2009. I had candida and many symptoms from it like brain fog, waking up feeling like I was hung over after eating rice, depressed immune system among many others. Just to give you a very brief history or definition of candida hear what Dr. Jack Tips says about it, “Candida albicans starts out as a microorganism know as yeast. Actually it is more accurately defined as ‘yeast like’ microorganism. Yeasts are single-cell plants that inundate this planet, meaning they’re everywhere. But unlike plants, yeasts do not synthesize sunlight and contain no chlorophyll. They ferment sugars and carbohydrates for their life processes instead.” Pg. 11 Conquer Candida and restore your immune system.

Candida is normal for everyone to have on their skin, and inside the body. It can become a pathogen and it does weaken the immune system, but the immune system has to be weak for candida to overgrow in the first place.

Our doctor told us, “We have to kill the yeast.” After our appointment where Jessica’s lab showed very high levels as dysbiotic flora as well as high levels of yeast itself. She believed that if we could kill the yeast maybe we could lower the lactoferrin levels which may have been caused by the yeast and not true IBD. A research study entitled Inflammation and gastrointestinal Candida colonization said, “Candida organisms commonly colonize the human gastrointestinal tract as a component of the resident microbiotia. Their presence is generally benign. Recent studies, however, show that high level Candida colonization is associated with several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Further, results from the animal models argue that Candida colonization delays healing of inflammatory lesions and that inflammation promotes colonization. These effects may create a vicious cycle in which low-level inflammation promotes fungal colonization and fungal colonization promotes further inflammation.” The bottom line is that when inflammation is present candida colonization appears to exacerbate inflammation. Pg. 2 of same study above. So here is the bonafide research to prove what our doctor was telling us.

I was successful in getting rid of candida and I do feel so much better but there are times even though I am eating really healthy where my tongue gets a little white, I feel a little more brain fogged and tired and I know candida may have flared internally. The situation is so much worse for my daughter and could contribute to more inflammation and a destructive cycle could continue and candida contributes to leaky gut too.

I did several things besides diet to lower candida overgrowth in my body including using the well-known drug Diflucan and stomach herbs but I mainly got rid of it through diet. Here is the candida diet protocol.

Candida food guide –

Foods to eliminate:

Meats: bacon, canned tuna, hotdogs, processed or packaged meats, sausages
Grains: breads (unless wheat, dairy, yeast, and sugar free), cereals (unless wheat, dariy, and sugar free), corn (tortillas, popcorn, chips), crackers (wheat or white), pasta (brown rice and spelt ok), pastries, tapioca, white rice, white flours, wheat
Vegetables: corn, peas
Beans and Legumes: fermented soy products (only if you find they exaserbate your symptoms), peas
Nuts and seeds: cashews, peanuts
Oils: canola, corn, cottonseed, peanut, processed oils, soy
Dairy: all chesses (cottage and cream included), buttermilk, cow’s milk, goat’s milk, ice cream, margarine, sour cream, yogurt
Fruits: all citrus (except lemon, limes, and grapefruit), all juices (sweetened and unsweetened), all dried fruits (apricots, figs, dates, raisins, and cranberries
Beverages: alcohol, caffeine teas (black, earl grey), coffee, fruit juices, sodas (diet and regular)
Condiments: vinegars, ketchup, gravy, jams and jellies, mayonnaise (unless made with apple cider vinegar), mustard (unless made with apple cider vinegar), pickles, relish, salad dressing (unless it doesn’t contain sugar and made with unsweetened rice vinegar, or apple cider), sauces with vinegar and sugar, soy sauce and tamari sauce, spice that contain yeast, sugar, or additives
Sweeteners: artificial sweeteners (aspartame, maltitol, mannitol, saccharin, sorbitol, and sucralose), barley malt, brown rice syrup, corn syrup, dextrose, maltodextrin, fructose, honey, maple syrup, molasses, raw or evaporated cane juice crystals, white sugar
Other: candy, cookies, cake, donuts, gum, mints lozenges (unless sweetened with stevia), fast or fried food, muffins, pizza, pastries, processed food

Food to enjoy:

Animal protein: beef, lamb (grass fed, 3-4 ounce servings once a week), chicken, eggs, fish, turkey
Grains (whole unrefined only): amaranth, brown rice, buckwheat, millet, quinoa
Vegetables: all especially dark leafy greens and cruciferous kale, collard, broccoli, cauliflower
Beans and legumes: all (no peas or fermented soy products)
Nuts and seeds (raw unroasted only): almonds, brazil nuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia, nut butters (can be roasted), pecans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts
Oils: coconut oil, flaxseed oil (not for cooking), grapeseed oil (can use for cooking), olive oil (can use for cooking), sesame oil (can use for cooking)
Dairy: butter, clarified butter (ghee)
Fruits: apples, avocado, berries, coconut, grapefruit, lemons, limes (limit fruit to one piece per day, avocado can be in addition to the one fruit a day
Condiments; apple cider vinegar, dry mustard, fresh herbs (basil, parsley), mayonnaise (made with apple cider vinegar only), pepper, rice vinegar (unsweetened only), sea salt, spices (no additives)
Beverages: green tea, herbal teas, unsweetened mineral water, unsweetened almond milk
Sweeteners: stevia
Other: carob, salsa (without sugar)47 This list is adapted from The Candida Cure by Ann Boroch pg. 73-79

In this diet Ann includes many grains including brown rice, millet, and quinoa, dairy in the form of butter. This is really pretty excellent for candida and worked for me but may not be enough for IBD for my daughter.

SCD Diet – from research study Diet and Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Include Avoid
Grains None All cereal grains (oats, wheat, rye, rice, millet)
Fruits all but canned or frozen fruits None
Vegetables all but canned or frozen vegetables potato, yam, corn
Protein all others processed, canned, or smoked meats
Nuts/Seeds/legumes lentil, split pea most except white navy beans (soak for 12 hrs.)
Dairy lactose free ALL others
Beverages wine milk, instant tea, instant coffee, soybean milk, beer
Other saccharin, honey, butter chocolate, margarine, corn syrup

Reference: Bottschall E. Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet. Baltimore, Canada: Kirkton Press; 2012

The way this diet is listed in the research above does not convey the difficulty of this diet. Author Elaine Gottschall says that the strictness of this diet cannot be overemphasized or minimized. It requires vigilance and says its unwise to undertake unless you are willing to follow with fanatical adherence. Pg. 67. Elaine describes the diet in great detail which takes nine pages to describe in detail. The main things I remembered is the strictness of no canned veggies, no grains, no potatoes, or dairy except 24 hour fermented yogurt. There are four things on the diet that Jessica cannot eat so this was super confusing for me. Jess does not eat ANY dairy even fermented dairy, NO Eggs which are allowed on this diet, NO honey which is allowed on this diet, and for a short time she was reacting badly to almonds which are allowed on this diet. I found a very detailed list that you can print out at which gives even more detailed list of ingredients to eat or not eat of which astragalus is not permitted. Astragalus is an herb from the bean family used to boost the immune system. I do well on it and so has Jess through the breast milk so there will have to be a lot of testing going on for us.

AIP (Autoimmune Protocol)

A research study entitled, Efficacy of the Autoimmune Protocol Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease used Angie Alt’s 6 week program called “SAD to AIP in 6) which means standard American diet to autoimmune protocol in 6 weeks. The diet basics consist of eliminating: grains and pseudo grains like quinoa and amaranth among others, beans and legumes, dairy, refined/processed seed and vegetable oils, eggs, alcohol, food chemicals, refined and alternative sweeteners, nuts and seeds, nighshade- family foods including tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant. Pg. 61-62. In the book The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook the authors Angie Alt and Mickey Trescott both of whom are nutrition and health coaches list a much greater list of foods to include and exclude on pages 64-69.

This diet seems to be the most restrictive in that you don’t have eggs, nuts, beans, even pseudo-grains like quinoa which is allowed on the anti-candida diet. What you should include on the AIP diet is bone broth, grass-fed organ meats, grass-fed gelatin or collagen, fermented foods, and lots of colorful fruits and veggies as well as wild-caught fish.

All of these diets seem overwhelming to me even the anti-candida diet you cannot have tuna or hot dogs which we sometimes eat a lot of because of issues with money.
I will let you know how all of these go and what we learn. I hope this information is helpful to you for your own health goals.

More Resources to check out for these three diets



For the past several weeks Jessica has seemed to have more difficult time sleeping especially at nap times. She is 2 years and almost 3 months now as of July 8, 2018. I had been wanting to write a blog and make a video about how we sleep trained for a long time. It just never seemed we had got a handle on it so I didn’t do it until now.

I guess its possible she was having a 2-year-old sleep regression and maybe that was what it was but we’ve had sleep issues since she was very young. She was never on any kind of a good schedule till she was about 9 months and even then, it was difficult. We used the extinction method that Dr. Marc Weissbluth author of Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child,: A Step-by-Step Program for a Good Night’s Sleep. He explains the importance of getting sleep habits figured out as early as possible as difficulty with sleep can persist into adolescence and cause all kinds of problems with hyperactivity and focusing in school.

He goes into a lot of detail in this book with many research studies. I could relate the most to the chapter on extreme fussiness/colic and temperament. He explains the statistics involved with the age of the baby and if they still have sleep issues and if they will become a happy or difficult or even intermediate temperament. There is discussion about how there could be an imbalance of serotonin and melatonin as features of these colic babies.

The problem for us has been the inability to allow Jess to cry when she has been sick. I have done my best to allow her to cry when she is sick as long as she is not too congested as crying will only make that congestion worse and I was trying to avoid antibiotics and longer sick time. I have many times held her for her nap because she wakes in the middle of the nap often to this day.

I wonder if she just has a difficult temperament which could alone cause sleep problems. Jessica was not one to respond well to me going in to comfort her and reassure her for a few nights as she learned to put herself to sleep with a little fussing. She would scream bloody murder on either side of her nap going down or waking up too early. She did scream for two hours one night when we were sleep training her at six months of age.

All the crying and screaming takes its toll on me emotionally and physically with the lack of sleep that we get in this house. The lack of sleep has had me on the edge meaning I would yell at Jessica more and caused more disruption in our family life in general.

I purchased a program called Sleep Sense by Dana Obelman online several months ago at the beginning of 2018 because they have an 800 number you can utilize for questions. I have called about 3x now and the last time helped so much. The gal on the phone said I had to put Jess to bed earlier around 7-7:30 or so not later so that she would stop waking up too early. She was waking at 5:30. I was letting her cry to see if she would go back to sleep because she would at times sleep till 7 or even 8 am. If she got up too early she would be miserable all day and be extremely clingy not allowing me to get anything done at home sometimes.

Dr. Weissbluth goes into a lot of detail about sleep in his book. There is simply too much to list here in this blog. One thing he says about these colicky babies that gives me hope is this, “Some postcolic kids have boundless energy…It’s as if they have a heightened level of arousal, activity, and curiosity. When overtired, they are always crabby and socially demanding, needing mommy’s presence and wanting to be held all the time. They also are quick to fuss when mom leaves the room for only a minute. But when they are well rested, it’s a different story. When they’ve had enough sleep, these same babies appear to have boundless curiosity, actively seeking opportunities to learn. Maybe these are very intelligent children who are so alert, curious, and bright that they have difficulty controlling their impulses to explore or investigate the world.”

The bottom line is if you have sleep issues its crucial to find answers and get help and get good sleep habits going on because sleep problems can continue into adolescence and adulthood.

I recently gave Jessica a bath in bentonite clay because this clay was used to help me in my fertility prep for the scars on my feet, forehead, and belly from surgical removal of my gallbladder. These scars can cause interference fields in the body and prevent proper nutrition to get everywhere it needs to go creating deficiencies.

Jessica’s new doctor who is helping us figure out her gut and immune issues recommend a detox bath with herbs which we used till we ran out and then I remembered what I used in pregnancy prep. It’s a product from Premier Research Lab called Medi-Body Pack which is made of calcium bentonite clay. This particular product has other green ingredients like alfalfa, kelp, and Irish moss which makes it smell like a swamp in the bath tub.

I have no way to prove this is working one way or another right now but I put it on Jessica’s belly to hopefully pull out toxins from her digestive tract. That’s not really actually how it works on the skin to my knowledge but could do that internally according to the way Dr. Axe describes it below.

Bentonite clay is formed from the ash of volcanos. Bentonite clay has been used to support normal digestion, bacterial balance, the immune system, the liver, the body’s detox ability and more.
When bentonite clay is mixed with water it acts like a sponge because it has a strong negative charge and attracts positively charged toxins pulling them through the body. Bentonite clay releases minerals into the body, including calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, and potassium. Article from Natural Detoxifiers – charcoal and clay

Bentonite clay also benefits the body because it has the ability to produce a charge that is electrical in nature when it comes in contact with liquid – similar to earthing. When the clay touches any kind of fluid normally water it take on a different charge and is thought to bind to any present toxins within the fluid.

Petri disc with Candida alcicans culture had of scientist holding to evaluate the growth

Jessica was recently diagnosed with IBD in January of 2018. We started nystatin to kill excess yeast as this is what we thought was the root cause, the doctor thought the same thing we think. So, the question for me was should I let her eat rice in the form of rice cakes, rice crackers and/or beans and what diet should she be eating. She did not have typical symptoms of IBD like bloody diarrhea, vomiting, loss of weight. Recently she ate two scrambled eggs and 24 hours later started vomiting and got a fever of about 101 for two days. She also after eating a steady diet of rice crackers and rice cakes had diarrhea for a week.

If we were strictly doing an anti-candida diet like I followed from the The Candida Diet book by Ann Boroch, you would only eat brown rice once a week but beans are permitted anytime and I assume in any amounts. For some reason I was inspired to look up what the SCD diet book Breaking the Vicious Cycle by Elaine Gottschall had to say. This diet which I had thought about following and did follow for 2 months prior to pregnancy I found extremely difficult to do. “The starches in all grains, corn, and potatoes must be strictly avoided.” Pg. 27 from book.

As I was doing some research on IBD one website said that “This chart review suggests that the SCD and other low complex carbohydrate diets may be possible therapeutic options for pediatric Crohn disease.” Another article by Dr. Ronald Hoffman entitled Restricting carbohydrate consumption helps children with Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis said, “From a clinical perspective, I have found the SCD an indispensable tool in the management of patients with IBD…key findings of their study said, There were no adverse events reported; however, 2 patients dropped out of the study due to difficulty maintaining the diet. At the 2-week follow-up visit, 5 of the 12 patients were in clinical remission. Eight of the remaining 11 patients achieved remission at 8 weeks, and 8 of 10 remained in remission at 12 weeks. Therapy was ineffective for 2 of the patients who maintained the diet for the full 12 weeks.”

While Jessica muscle tested fine to eat rice in the form of cakes or crackers and beans, being able to eat 1 cup daily of each, she has not been doing well on it. I know the difficulty of this diet but yesterday she asked for rice crackers and I explained to her that we couldn’t eat them now so she could get her body healed and she accepted that and ate the meat and fruit I offered her. We have so much to do and learn still but deciding on a diet and what to eat has been very difficult. The only thing we have to base any suspicion or concern about IBD is Jessica’s lactoferrin levels were high. An article from NIH entitled Fecal lactoferrin is a sensitive and specific marker in identifying intestinal inflammation said, “Fecal lactoferrin is sensitive and specific for detecting inflammation in chronic IBD. This noninvasive test may prove useful in screening for inflammation in patients presenting with abdominal pain and diarrhea.” Since she reacted so badly to eggs and a steady diet of rice we have seen the limitations of muscle testing and blood levels of IgE to eggs going down.

If you read this post and believe in prayer please pray for us because we need a lot of it. If you have any other ideas about diets for IBD or experience with it yourself I’d love to hear your story. Please share below so we can all benefit from your experience.
Thank you

I suspected I had SIBO small intestinal bacterial overgrowth for a few years. I recently learned that that is what I have. I couldn’t or didn’t want to use the “normal” prescription for SIBO which is an antibiotic Rifaximin. While Rifaximin doesn’t get absorbed into the body, it can kill good bacteria as well as bad.

I got to thinking about the fact that diatomaceous earth also does not get “absorbed” into the body either because it is a cylinder like shape which has hard edges which scrape and cut bacteria, mucous, yeast, and parasites as traps or contains the pathogen and then it passes through the intestine and out of the body.

I figured if the antibiotic worked like that that I could try diatomaceous earth. I had purchases a 50-lb. bag a couple of years ago that I never used. I looked up the paperwork I got from about food grade diatomaceous earth and learned a lot. I’ll share some of it here since I found it very educational and helpful in my decision to use this while breastfeeding. They say there that it is ok for pregnant women to take DE. I figured if it is safe for pregnant women it would be safe for breastfeeding women.

If you want to know how to take this go to their website and get the full article or go to health practitioner that can muscle test how much would be good for you. I had my husband muscle test how much I needed to detox from yeast, mold, and fungus as well as heavy metals that I figured were in me since my daughter had such a toxic result from her heavy metal hair analysis (discussion for another blog.)

“Detoxification and cleansing of the intestines:

A single dosage supplies millions of tiny negatively charged diatoms, attracting positively charged bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticide and drug residues, E-coli, and heavy metals and traps them in the cylindrical structure, to be passed out of the body. It has also been reported to absorb methyl mercury…

Because these cylinders are very hard and have sharp edges, as they pass through the intestines, they “scrub” the walls of mucus, molds and old hardened toxic matter and sweep it out of the body. Food Grade DE has not been shown to cause any damage to the intestinal mucosa or barrier wall…

Detoxification improves the function of the immune system as it reduces the load of invaders challenging the immune system.

DE does not kill the beneficial bacteria in the gut.

DE is safe to use in pregnancy, it helps the mother better absorb nutrients from the food they eat, passing those on to the unboran child. It is best to start with a small dose of 1/2 teaspoon for the first few days and drink plenty of clean, pure water, and slowly increasing the dose to avoid detoxing too quickly.

Silica, which is abundant in Diatomaceous earth has many healing properties:

Silica prevents and even reverses osteoporosis. Research conducted by biophysicists Louis Kervan and Dr. Richard Barmakian pointed to the fact that silica was more important in bone formation and repair than calcium. Bones healed extremely well when low amounts of calcium were present with an abundance of silica.

Builds collagen and elastin which not only prevents wrinkles but is important in all connective tissues including cartilage, tendons, ligaments and vascular lining. It strengthens the body’s muscloskeletal system preventing injuries and speeding healing of fractures.

Regulates blood pressure by maintaining the structural integrity, elasticity and permeability for the arteries.

Silica is an essential building block for healthy hair, skin, and nails. It makes hair thicker, can prevent hair loss and has been reported to increase hair growth. It makes nails stronger and more flexible.

Trace minerals – Food Grade DE is a source of numerous trace minerals

Alkalizing agent (pH is 8.0)

It is organic listed in the OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute)

Note: it was graded as “Chemical” grade since it acts like a chemical by dehydrating insects, but it is NOT a true chemical like a pesticide or insecticide.

Disclaimer: Any food grade diatomaceous earth uses other than those approved by the EPA, USDA, or FDA are strictly reports of what farmers, others and we ourselves have done with diatomaceous earth. The following material is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician or vet, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

On the website there was a long list of specific uses for diatomaceous earth and while I was excited to use it to reduce excess yeast and fugus, it was also listed as a good way to detox from heavy metals as well as being alkalizing agent since it’s pH is 8.0.

So far, I can say that I have clearer thinking, more energy, and I will soon have my labs retested to see what has actually happened in my body. I am hoping and thinking that I will get some good results based on how I feel. And, while how I feel can be and is usually a good indicator of things, it is not the only barometer I used to determine what’s going on with my health.

Use your own intuition and good common sense about whether diatomaceous earth is good for you at this time in your health journey.

Please let us know how you’ve used DE and what results you got. We can all learn from each other.

In the recent past I have given my daughter vitamin C, bone broth protein, carrot juice, astragalus, arabionogalactan. This was when she had constant low-grade fevers for several months and was reacting to the mold we didn’t know we had. It was only a few months after a strange reaction to one of the vaccines where her ankles and feet swelled up that she got RSV and then roseoloa. And then she got congestion that her body couldn’t fully fight so was on an antibiotic. That happened a second time and a second round of antibiotics. Then it happened a third time and I prayed. God directed us to a a medical doctor trained in some natural ways of healing. 

She said my daughter was immune deficient and may have been born this way. She recommended multiple supplements. This is what I started her on and what I am giving her now:

1. Arabinogalactan – 1 tsp.
2. Purified colostrum – 1 tsp.
3. Vitamin C – 1-2 tsp. daily which is 1000mg and sometimes a little more
4. Glutathione – ¼ tsp. liposomal liquid
5. Glutathione cream 1x daily on the belly
6. Probiotics – ½ – 1 tsp.
7. Digestive enzymes – 1 chewable tab
8. Omega 3 oils – 1 tsp. (cod liver oil)
9. Vitamin D – 4 drops

I mix the liquids in a combination of carrot juice or almond milk or a mixture of both with a couple sprinkles of stevia so she will like to drink it. I give it to her in a dropper like one you would get from a bottle of Tylenol. I put her on the changing table and give her a book or toy for her hands. She sometimes gets squirmy and wants to get off the table so I hug her and tell her how good these are for her. I pray a lot and have to make sure I don’t give her too much at one time. It seems 2 TBSP is the most she can tolerate at one time.

The supplements I can give alone are glutathione, vitamin C, and colostrum. The powders and oils have to be mixed with liquid to taste good and so she does not vomit them up. Pretty much all of the above supplements are good for and boost the immune system. Glutathione is used by the liver for detoxing. It supports the liver and can help to detox faster with more of it. There are certain chemicals that to process out of the body requires more glutathione.

Glutathione is made up of three amino acids you should get from your diet. ‘Production of Glutathione (GSH) in a cell depends on the availability of glutathione precursors, three amino acids glutathione is made of. These glutathione precursors are glutamate, glycine and cysteine.”  

There are so many things that deplete or use up glutathione in the body including:

• Drugs or pharmaceuticals like Tylenol
• Heavy metals
• Pesticides
• Artificial food dyes
• Household chemicals like colored detergent and mildew removers
• Chlorine
• Medical x-rays
• EMF’s (electromagnetic fields like from your computer or cell phone) 

All babies are born with leaky guts and many progressive nutritionists and doctors recommend not starting solids too early because we have grown in our knowledge as to what causes leaky gut and what to do about it. One of those things is not to eat food you may be sensitive to.

I’ll give you a brief lesson in the difference between allergies and sensitivities. This makes a huge difference in how you talk to your doctor. I kept using the word allergy with our pediatrician and she kept disagreeing with me saying if Jess had a true allergy she may have blood in her stool, be vomiting a few other severe reactions and Jess did not have those kinds of reactions.

I believe now that Jess had sensitivities to wheat, dairy, beef, and was clearly reacting badly whenever I ate anything with too much sugar, natural or otherwise. Dr. Hoang did a muscle test to see if she was sensitive to wheat and dairy and she tested positive. I very much believe in and for the most part fully trust muscle testing to figure out difficult to figure out things in the body. A few times the results were a bit confusing so I never rely completely on a muscle test to figure out what is wrong in my body or my baby’s.

Here is what I learned about allergies vs. sensitivities:

IgE allergy is the type of allergy that someone who is allergic to peanuts might experience. Their throat tightens and they could go into anaphylactic shock. I was told by an allergy doctor that I should carry an epipen around just in case I had a reaction like that. She had done a skin prick test which showed different allergies than the blood test. Conventional allergy doctors typically do a skin reaction test called a skin prick test to determine allergies. Interestingly my skin prick test showed slightly different allergies than my blood test. IgE allergies are considered ‘true’ allergies.

Carolee Bateson-Koch DC, ND in her book Allergies: Disease in Disguise : How to Heal Your Allergic Condition Permanently and Naturally talks about food sensitives and says, “Food sensitivities is a common catchall term employed for food allergy, food intolerance and other adverse reactions to food. Proof of food allergy is still often difficult to establish. Most laboratory blood tests deal primarily in identifying the IgE antibody and often do not screen for reactions that may produce the IgG, IgA or IgM antibodies. It is interesting to note that the most accepted diagnostic test for allergy, the elimination diet and subsequent reintroduction of suspected substances, does not differentiate between the two terms, allergy and intolerance.”

Naturopathic doctor Russell B. Marz in his book Medical Nutrition from Marz said about the introduction of solid foods, “At the turn of the century 99% of all moms, in the U.S. were breast feeding. By the 1950’s and 60’s this percentage dropped to about 20% of moms. This is certainly unfortunate since this change has led to an increase in morbidity and mortality in infancy especially concerning the development of food allergies.” Pg. 298

He goes on to say, “If there is a strong family history of food allergies or sensitives it makes more sense to wait as long as possible before starting solid foods.” Pg. 298. There is a chart on page 299 showing a 6-8-month-old can have Swiss chard, mustard greens, spinach, collard greens green beans, banana, mung bean sprout because these foods have a high iron level. A 9-12-month-old can have lima beans, pinto beans peaches, grapes, pears, carrots, squash, cabbage as those foods are highest in iron. The foods higher in zinc would be kidney beans white potato, quinoa leeks. A 12-15 month can have quinoa, lentils, broccoli, chicken because these foods contain higher amounts of protein. A 15-18-month-old could have oatmeal, barley, larger amounts of fish, red meats and the foods to go very slowly with for a 18-24-month-old are eggs, wheat, yogurt, cashew butter, walnuts because these foods are the most difficult to digest. The lists on this page are much longer but I wanted to include a few things here to get you thinking, curious, and researching the best time, foods, and ways to introduce foods to your baby.

California Mother’s Milk Bank 408-998-4550 – will only take if you have 100oz, they will do a phone interview, need 2 doctors notes that need to be signed, blood testing – same tests as when you donate blood hep B,C, HIV, they’ll take milk up to 6 months old.

They will not take milk that has herbs in it like milk thistle, chlorella, if you’ve drinking mother’s milk tea. They will not even interview you if you’ve taken these things even though they are safe for your baby and for you while breastfeeding. I can understand why because the milk donated to these milk banks is usually processed for premature babies in hospitals and they are very fragile and maybe compromised so even if it was me I would be extra careful to follow doctor’s guidelines in caring for a baby that tiny and fragile.
If they will not take the milk you can check area hospitals to see if they need milk but my thought is that their guidelines will be very similar.

You can see about informal milk sharing on websites like human milk 4 or eats on feets.
My personal suggestion is to do your homework on your own milk before donating it. If you have had an infection in the past 2 weeks and I would even say a month, don’t donate that milk to anyone. Infection can include virus, bacteria, yeast, fungus etc. I have been exposed to many viruses in the past which is part of the reason I was diagnosed with Chronic fatigue syndrome and I have an appointment next month to find out what that means for my daughter, but if you have been sick with anything serious in the past be careful and do your homework also. I can report more on what I find out later.