Before I explain one of the studies about candida and IBD I want to give you a little background on candida or yeast or another name is fungus. I want to tell you what it is, why its so bad, and what makes it overgrow.

According to Ann Boroch author of The Candida Cure, “Candida Albicans is a harmless yeast, a type of fungus, that lives naturally in everyone’s body…in a healthy body, it lives symbiotically in a balanced environment in the gastrointestinal tract, on the mucous membranes, and on the skin.” Pg. 4 The problem is that what is supposed to be harmless can overgrow and turn into a pathogen.

There are two forms of candida, yeast which is like a seed form and mycelial form which is a seed that has grown tentacles. The yeast is small in the form of seeds while the chronic form has grown tentacles that dig themselves deep into the gut of whatever part of the body they reside. Some people call it a seven-headed dragon because it becomes impossible to kill. Candida facts, What is candida?, retrieved from, August 14, 2014.

When the candida grow into its mycelial form it burrows into the intestinal lining with its roots called rhizoids creating leaky gut. Physician Heal Thyself, Jordan Rubin, pg. 186 This allows not only the fungus and its byproducts called mycotoxins to seep through but also undigested food, bacteria, and other pathogens. If your immune system is compromised candida can have a field day. we are bombarded with many different pathogens, viruses, bacteria, and other things in our daily life that can make us sick; according to an article in Science magazine, “Candida albicans is the most common human systemic pathogen, causing both mucosal and systemic infections, particularly in immunocompromised people.” The Candida Cure, Ann Boroch, pg. 5. This is probably the reason Jessica’s doctor told us, “We need to kill the yeast.” Jessica’s levels were extremely high.

Candida put out at least 79 toxic by-products.10 These are neurotoxins that destroy and decompose tissues and organs. You can see why they would greatly contribute to leaky gut. These toxins disrupt RNA and DNA synthesis, damage and destroy neurons, are carcinogenic, and cause ataxia (lack of coordination) and even convulsions. The Candida Cure, Ann Boroch, pg. 8

One of the root causes of candida can be a damaged liver. I had concerns about Jessica’s ability to detox when she was young because my genetic test showed I was not a good detoxer of coffee. Jordan Rubin in his book Physician Heal Thyself says, “When the liver is even slightly damaged by a toxic chemical, immune function is severely compromised. Liver injury is also linked to candida overgrowth, as evident in studies of mice demonstrating that when the liver is even slightly damaged, candida runs rampant through the body.” Physician Heal Thyself, Jordan Rubin, pg. 189

The major causes of candida albicans overgrowth are antibiotics, steroids, birth control pills, estrogen replacement therapy, poor diet, chemotherapy, radiation, heavy metals, alcohol overuse, recreational drugs, and stress…yeast also thrives in the presence of refined sugar, refined carbs, dairy products, alcohol, processed foods, and hormones secreted as a result of high stress levels. Pg. 5 Candida Cure by Ann Boroch

If you have candida at all it means that your immune system has been weakened and is tolerating excess candida. It is interesting to me the wording that Dr. Orion Truss in his book The Missing Diagnosis, uses to describe the immune system and candida, “The very existence of Candida albicans in the tissues on a chronic basis reveals an immune system at least partially ‘paralyzed’ and ‘unresponsive’ to its antigens—an immune system that is ‘tolerating’ the continued presence in the tissues of this ‘foreign’ invader.” The missing diagnosis by C. Orian Truss, M.D., pg. 25 26

A statement from a research study entitled Inflammation and gastrointestinal Candida colonization says, “Recent studies, however, show that high level Candida colonization is associated with several diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.” The summary basically says that Candida can delay healing inflammation and inflammation promotes candida colonization. It’s a vicious cycle. “Both inflammatory bowel disease and gastrointestinal Candida colonization are associated with elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17.”

We also know from studies and works by Dr. Sarah Ballytine that a leaky gut precedes autoimmune disease. This gets complicated and I can see why doctors disagree as to what is the true cause of my daughter Jessica gets sick so often and easily. If we kill the yeast maybe the inflammation will go down and we can see if this really is true IBD. But if the inflammation doesn’t go down it could keep the excess yeast alive contributing to leaky gut and then IBD an autoimmune disease. It’s really so hard to tell. We will keep treating Jessica for yeast, fungus, or candida whatever you want to call it until we find out more information.

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