There a several different reasons someone could get SIBO. Nutritionist from Dr. Amy Myers website says that the following can all be a root cause of SIBO

1. Slow motility due to stress
2. Diabetes causing nerve damage
3. Bowel obstruction – not as common
4. Antibiotics
5. PPI – low stomach acid
6. Aging – slows down the GI tract
7. Lack of digestive enzymes
8. Low thyroid causing slow motility and slow metabolism

Some symptoms of SIBO

1. Malnutrition
2. Fatigue
3. Weight loss
4. Food intolerance
5. Rosacea
6. Acne
7. Eczema

My daughter doesn’t have many of these symptoms. The reasons I think Jess could have SIBO are slightly different but still a concern for me:

1. After eating pumpkin cake (no sugar) Jess complained of stomach pain, laid on her daddy for about 4 hours and vomited three times.
2. 2 lab tests showed different possibilities for SIBO that I wasn’t concerned about until she complained of stomach pain two times once after eating pumpkin and once after
eating sweet potato. She ate or I should say overate both of them. She had 5 small sweet potatoes. They were very small. She had several pieces pumpkin spice cake which
did not contain any sugar because I don’t use sugar to cook or prepare food with. That kind of thing has happened to me before and I had a small amount of SIBO.
3. She is consistently constipated only going to the bathroom BM every other day
4. Unusual vomiting not due to any other reason – after eating pumpkin spice cake (no sugar)

We are retesting the Urine Organic Acid test and will see if the above marker is still there now that she is a year older. I plan on not giving her too many carbs at once so hopefully we won’t have any abdominal pain any time soon. Hopefully she won’t get this diagnosis because it just means more work and more concern about all the supplements my daughter takes.

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