I started wondering if vaccines played a role in why my daughter got IBD. The doctor that diagnosed her said something under her breath about how that the vaccines could have contributed. There is always so much to talk about at each visit and you can’t always digest everything the doctor is saying at each visit at first. I am one that needs to do my own research anyway.

It certainly seems like the toxicity of either the vaccine itself or its excipients (ingredients that help bind to the virus sot the body will make an antibody response.) When my daughter Jessica was between 5-6 months old we had just done only one vaccine, because we were doing a delayed schedule and would get one shot per month it seemed safe enough. It was several weeks after her 5 or 6 month shot and her feet and ankles swelled up a lot. My husband, adult son, and myself noticed and I think I thought it was just extra baby fat accumulating near her feet. I really don’t know why I would have thought that but it did dissipate within a week or two so none of us thought anything about it.

I just read most of the book entitled Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the changing Nature of Childhood Illness and he quotes a research study done in 2009 done at Kobe University in Japan where they actually say that autoimmunity is the consequence of repeated immunization. Listen to how they say it, “They did trials in which they vaccinated different animals according to the current vaccine schedule, and concluded that ‘autoimmunity appears to be the inevitable consequence of over-stimulating the host’s immune system by repeated immunization.’” https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0008382

Dr. Thomas Cowan author of the above books said that even though the study above was not carried out on people, “…it complements numerous studies showing that vaccines can cause autoimmune disease and that vaccinated children have higher rates of autoimmune disease than unvaccinated children do.” Pg. 28

Dr. Cowan does go into more detail talking about the environment of our cells and the water they live in, its actually a gel like state. This gel like state is the place where vitamins, hormones, sunlight, sound, and even beliefs and love are bound together and ‘gelled’ together to become useful to the body. It is also that gel state where toxins can get trapped and interfere with normal cell life. I am simplifying what he said to a huge degree here. When there is inflammation the place of inflammation becomes hot, warm, and melts this gel like state of water in an attempt to help the body get rid of some type of toxin but instead the water in that state lowers the integrity of the cells and they can’t do their job properly.

In the case of autoimmunity in the gut where Jessica has a problem and actually all autoimmune disease there is a precursor of leaky gut where undigested food, toxins, bacteria, viruses and anything that doesn’t belong in the gut gets leaked into the blood stream. Dr. Sarah Ballyntyne’s research showed this and she wrote about it her book, The Paleo Approach.

In Jessica’s case she had so many factors working against her I personally wouldn’t blame only vaccines on her problem but I do think they played a role.

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