We recently took Jess to my medical doctor who practices natural medicine. I wanted him to muscle test a list of things that I was thinking may have been contributing to the increase in Jessica’s inflammation.

One surprising thing that came from that visit and the muscle testing that was done is that beef and spices from the beef and turkey sticks were causing inflammation! I am not sure why I was so surprised but my heart sank because that meant more hard diet changes.

My first list consisted of things like lactoferrin in my breastmilk, soy isolate from hot dogs, micro yeast, lack of probiotics, imbalance SCFA (short chain fatty acids), a virus Jess had in June 2018, SBI protect (maybe it had tapioca starch), stevia, cornstarch in VSL, nuts, eggs in mayonnaise.

Jess was reacting to eggs too but from the muscle test she wasn’t reacting to the things I thought she was. About a week later we tested several other foods none of which showed any muscle test reaction. That list consisted of colostrum supplement (I wanted that tested because that supplement has micro amounts of whey protein but no casein), coconut flour, beef gelatin vital proteins brand, bullet proof collagen, tomato, white potatoes, tera brand pumpkin protein, kombucha, melatonin, chocolate, maca powder, sunflower lecithin, rice cakes, sweet potato, butter.

I wanted all these different foods tested is because there are so many contradictions, like she can’t have beef right now because that is causing inflammation but beef gelatin is ok. She reacts badly to dairy usually but is fine with colostrum with whey protein. This can be so confusing to figure out. It is overwhelming because when a lab test shows blood in your 2 ½ year olds stool it’s very concerning.

We will be retesting in about a month or so.

Muscle testing does not look exactly like the above photo but I thought it was cute!

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