Gram and embryo 086

Wow! I am pregnant. I have been in shock for two days. IVF worked. I had so convinced myself this was not going to work because of how long it has taken to get ready for the implantation along with how fragile I thought my health was. The embryo transfer cycle was canceled 6x due to hormones being out of whack, the progesterone was too high too early, the lining was not thick enough, one month I got a low grade fever right before we were supposed to start. The doctor had said that we might consider a surrogate because it seemed as if my cycles were not going to sync up ever since I was already in perimenopause. It seemed if it wasn’t one thing it was another. I also started hearing so many stories about women who had died giving birth, and I would think of my great-grandmother who did die either in childbirth or right afterward from peritonitis from a burst appendix in pregnancy. I was actually afraid of what I would do if it did actually work.

I had a lot of conflicting emotions because since the time we started collecting eggs and pursuing having a baby by IVF I got SIBO a small intestinal bowel overgrowth where I couldn’t eat salad of all things. It was cold salad and I was double over in pain about 2 hours after eating. I also had a pretty severe reaction to eggs neither of which I had ever had before. I worked toward healing my gut again. My energy level had increased tremendously when I exercised with interval training with walking and running at a local track and doing strength training about 2x per week. These other problems worried me and I started to doubt my body’s ability to grow a baby and give birth again (I had a baby 23 years ago and have a son). I had had so many nutritional deficiencies that I wasn’t sure anymore. Well, it’s a true miracle. I turned 42 when we got two eggs and fertilized them. It took another 9 months to transfer those embryos because we pursued an in depth detox with The Premier Center and their QRA analysis of my body. They basically muscle test specific areas of your body to find weak areas and then give you energetically powerful food supplements that uplift your body to a new level of health. I highly recommend them if you are struggling with your health with a caveat, if you have a lot of food allergies test out one product at a time because they use very high grade food which is good but if you have an allergy you will most likely react. They say they have a way to energetically on an emotional level reverse your food allergies. I don’t know if that part worked because I didn’t do it. I was just not convinced about that at this time.

I plan to write my whole journey in more detail so that if you are interested in the details for your health or fertility you can read what I did, where I went and what I read and did to prepare for this miracle.

I feel so blessed. Since the hormones were so high they think it might be twins too.

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