It’s a little scary to write these things down for anyone to read since we really don’t know the full outcome of all of the most recent events. I had an egg retrieval yesterday and found out today that 2 eggs got fertilized. They only retrieved 2 of my eggs. I felt it was a miracle because after waiting over a year to start the IVF process the doctor said my FSH was high at 34. My hopes were a bit dashed and I thought after several days that maybe we may not have a baby of our own. I was put on estrace which is estrogen to lower the FSH and tell brain to mature an egg if I had any left. It seemed as though I may be going through premature menopause at 42. It wouldn’t surprise me since I had been having spotting and mini hot flashes which I refused to admit were really hot flashes, I really didn’t connect it in my mind. I could still feel ovulation every month, it had become painful enough throbbing that I would take an aleve for it.

So what beautiful precious news to find out I have two embryos fertilized growing as we speak. Wow. I am in awe of the miracle of life. I know we have two big hurdles to go which is why I felt it scary to write all this. What if things still don’t go the way I want? What if all falls through which are very real possibilities. I do have to say I started praying about that soon after starting the estrace because why spend the money if this really isn’t God’s will. I asked God to show me signs and really show me if this is His will and not just a desire I waited too long to fulfill. I went in on Tuesday April 8th for another blood draw to make sure the Lupron did its job and raised my LH which tells the brain to release the egg and ovulate. It was a great number at 149. I was going to ovulate in a several hours by the next morning. That morning I read the story of Hannah in the Bible. She was barren and desperately wanted a baby. She cried out to God and even looked like she was drunk asking for His favor and the blessing of a baby. Her husband said “Let your desire be fulfilled” it was and she had Samuel. She did go on to have five other children after that. I always forget that part of the story. I felt encouraged that story was for me to hear that day since it was part of my daily reading that I try to do every day. Then I went over to Target to get a prescription filled by faith for the egg retrieval not yet scheduled for the next day. I saw a magazine with Kate Middleton on the front cover pregnant and the title said TWIN GIRLS for Kate. All I could I think of was it was saying to me TWIN GIRLS for Joan. I felt sufficiently encouraged. Then I went back to the office and missed a call from a ministry called Joan Hunter telling me to call them and ask for prayer any time. I was reading a book on healing written by Joan’s parents Charles and Frances Hunter called How to Heal the Sick because I still have some issues I want completely resolved and then next part of the book was about how their ministry has a special faith to pray for barren women and they get pregnant! Wow, I didn’t know that when they called. I then sat next to a woman who was looking at pictures of her extremely young embryo and said this was her first time doing the procedure. She looked excited, in shock, and peaceful all at the same time. Wow, that was a lot of signs that day and I felt that moving forward was the right thing for us to do. We have no guarantees. I just have faith that God’s will be done in our lives. I feel like even if for just a little while my husband and I created life together. We have fertilized eggs!

Please let me know your IVF or fertilization story. I’d love to hear about it especially all the miraculous stuff!

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