Taffinder Family Story



We miraculously got pregnant with our daughter Jessica in 2015 after several years of getting our bodies healthy from years of unhealthy living. We used IVF to help with that process. Joan gave birth in 2016. Jessica had difficulty sleeping, was a very fussy and irritable baby, and that is an understatement. Joan nursed Jessica until she was 3 yrs. 8 months because of all the health issues. In 2017 after Jessica got one virus after another following a strange reaction to her vaccine shots in November of 2016, we found out we had toxic mold in our bedroom under our bed Joan had been co-sleeping and nursing Jessica on.

We had to move out and remediate but Jessica was still getting sick extremely often with all kinds of viral and bacteria infections that would last very long periods of time. We went to a functional medicine doctor who started running multiple specialty lab tests which helped a lot at first. Some of the information didn’t fully make sense, making us think Jessica had diseases that she didn’t have at that time. The diagnoses Jessica received were always related to the gut and her immune system. We continued with immune building and detox supplements. Jessica continued to react to multiple different foods.

We continued to seek out different functional medicine doctors who could help explain the lab tests that didn’t seem to be giving us any information except that Jessica was still holding toxins from the mold exposure. We are still in the process of learning more about the root causes of Jessica’s health difficulties. It seems she has a dysregulated immune system possibly triggered by the mold exposure but there may be more to it. We are seeking information about sensory processing problems and implementing occupational therapy that helps with sensory integration. Jessica’s body has had many different and unusual reactions to sicknesses, foods, and pain.

We have been learning that the gut controls so much of our physical health as well as mental health, weight, heart health, cholesterol, and much more. After taking a vaccine booster for Dtap in 2018 so he could volunteer at Jessica’s preschool, Doug had a very bad reaction. He had diarrhea for several weeks straight, didn’t look well for over four months. He’s had cyclical diarrhea ever since that vaccine in 2018. Joan was diagnosed with IBS in 2009 with multiple different gut issues including constipation, abdominal pain, and many different food reactions that triggered either fever, severe gut pain, or, anaphylactic type reactions.

Since starting fermented foods Jess and Joan have seen benefits. Jess has been sick less and Joan has a little less gut pain when her bowels are simply moving waste through the tube. Doug has had health benefits also.

Joan’s health history is stacked for gut health problems with one nephew with celiac disease, another with high functioning autism, grandmother with colon cancer, and mom with cyclical gut pain from stress and dairy.

We are committed to finding answers and solutions to these gut issues. We do it out of necessity and a desire to not live in physical pain much of the time. We’ve come a long way but have so much more to go. So now you know why we’ve started fermenting foods more often and continue the search for the perfect gut health drink for Jessica to help balance all that is imbalanced so she will not live with constant sickness and miss out on life. Thanks for your participation and prayers!